Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I just came across this on the V&M website.
As one who spent years hammering on metal.... it gave me a chuckle.
There are days when your hammer certainly did seem to have it's own personality.

These were made by featured V&M artist Roy Mackey.

1 comment:

  1. hi... nice the meet you...

    guess what..

    i... i had to drop out of school and didn't get to study... i don't have much education......

    since i'm not educated i should at least learn somekind of technique but i don't know how to do anything...

    since i can't do anything i dont have any job...

    my parents are ill... my contry needs money too, but becasue i'm a uneducated person who doesnt know how to do anything, i can't even get a job..........

    i have no hope....


    excuse me
    What did you do on Christmas day in 2010 and on Jan. 1st, 2011?
    I ate out on Christmas day. What about you?
    Did you take part in the New Year's celebration at Time Square on Jan. 1st?
